Engineers are traditionally men. Why? 30% of women who have left the engineering profession cite organizational climate as the reason. Only 30% of women who earn bachelor’s degrees in engineering are still working in engineer...
Engineers are fleeing the industry at record numbers, unhappy with the status what? Why should we, and everyone else care? The bulk of human convenience relies on the intellect of the A&E community. But there’s a gap...
With a combined 70 years of design experience under their belts, Scott and Murray discuss a few common paths that design professionals have today and the future of our industry. In this fascinating episode, they cover… Enviro...
Most of our modern human conveniences are designed and produced by a community of brilliant but unseen professionals, and the public doesn’t know it. Why? Join Scott Zurn and co-host Murray McBride as they discuss their profe...
I believe we are in an employee and employer revolution. I think we are in a place where there’s disillusionment from both parties about the other. Disjointed expectations between the two. The last time this happened at the s...
Innovative business structures are emerging. B-Corporation (For-Benefit) that are legally required to make business decisions based on profit, people, and the planet. In today's episode we explore how these new models can imp...
The modernization of the business of A&E is going to happen, and needs to happen. In fact, it is happening as we speak. In this episode we look at technology and new business structures that are changing the way we …
How much of your Fair Market Value are you keeping? Based on conversations with architects and engineers across the country of all different disciplines and ages, we have a pretty good guess. We've looked at the past 40 years...
In our conversations with architects and engineers across the country of all different disciplines and ages, we have started to hear a common theme. The business of A&E has diverged from the practice of A&E. Is today's episod...